Top 5 Reasons You Need More Sleep

  1. It boosts your immune system. When you sleep your body goes to work on repairing itself. Chicken soup and Zinc are great but without sleep chances are you will get sick.
  2. Makes you more Alert. Once you have gotten a good night’s sleep you will be refreshed. This will make you more alert the next day!
  3. Healthier skin. When you sleep your body releases anti-aging hormones called HGH. This will repair damaged skin and give you a healthier look.
  4. Helps you lose weight. When you sleep your body goes to work repairing itself. This is when your body burns a lot of calories. Calories burnt equals weight reduction.
  5. Makes you feel happier. Getting a good night’s sleep will help you feel better. The body releases feel good chemicals when you are sleeping.

Well there you go… Now it’s time to get some sleep!
Problems Sleeping? Try a Sleep Mask to help